That NEW SCHOOL FEELING is here and it brings excitement, fear, or maybe a little of both. However you would describe it – it’s just plain raw, robust energy about doing something NEW.
Personally I feel like I’m transforming, morphing, shedding, dumping, and gearing up for an entire something amazing!
Of course, I love this time of year. It’s time to re-think this past New Years’ agenda, and see if anything needs to be tweaked. Or, it’s a fresh kick to push through and remember how far you’ve come from this same time last year.
Whatever is your story, let’s finish this last quarter strong! What if we embraced our life with the same excitement as “the first day of school feeling”….every single day….about everything!
Okay, maybe you’re not a student, but look for things that give you the “go for it” feeling. Is it a first date? Is it meeting a new client? Maybe you’re trying a new car dealership, or a different salon, or even trying a new restaurant you’ve never tried before. Have you ever considered even driving a different route home? Make yourself try something new.
I’m here to remind you to get rid of the boring, and start living. Embrace the absolute need for continual improvement and growth. Engage your own personality and create some healthy fun, so that the things that have to remain unchangeable will seem less mundane.
I will forever adore that new school feeling! Just what if….
… to physical, emotional, and physiological stress that can challenge the immune system. Use these formulations daily, or at the first sign of immune challenge.